Jumping Ship: Migrating your container images from DockerHub to Quay.io
Here are the steps I took to move my images from DockerHub to Quay. If you’re not interested in my thoughts or background, or know what you’re doing, scroll down to “Moving the Images”.
Background I host several repositories at DockerHub, both for work and personally. When DockerHub announced they would be deleting container images not used within 6 months, I understood. They provide a great service to the community, and frankly I’m surprised this didn’t happen sooner.
Cloudflare with LetsEncrypt SSL Certificates + Apache’s ProxyPass
So, you want to use LetsEncrypt to generate a free SSL certificate for your site behind Cloudflare and Apache (acting as a ReverseProxy). After many hours of research and tweaking, I got this setup to work. Here I will document my process for you to use. In the end, your setup will look something like this: User <-(SSL)-> Cloudflare <-(SSL)-> Apache <–> Your Webapp (not SSL). This guide assumes you have a site already setup without SSL.